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Studio Policies

Scheduling a Trial Lesson

  • I have a full-time schedule and teach Monday-Friday from 9 AM - 10 PM.

  • Contact me to schedule a free trial lesson!  Trial lessons typically take around 45 minutes.

  • At the trial lesson, I ask students to play 3 pieces of varying styles.  The pieces do not need to be polished or memorized -- this is just to see where you are at and your style of playing.  (For beginners, you are not expected to play anything!)


Parent Involvement

  • For elementary school students, parents are encouraged to sit in the lesson to act as a practice coach (and cheerleader!) at home. 
    (It is not required every lesson, in case parents need to run errands, take a call for a meeting, etc.)

    • There is free wi-fi and comfortable couches for parents sitting in the lessons!​

  • For middle and high school students, parents are encouraged to NOT sit in the lesson to allow their students to become independent learners and responsible contributors.  

  • For adult students -- you are always welcome to bring guests, whether it be spouses/significant others, friends, parents, etc.!  After all, things are easier when you have a community supporting you.


Practice at Home

  • Making music becomes truly fun when you are good at it!  While I am happy to teach you at your own pace, regular practice will allow you to make the progress you need.  We use a practice journal for us to go through this journey together -- not just to record the quantity of practice but the quality of it and other reflections (struggles and triumphs).

  • An acoustic piano is highly recommended at home.  Although the technology of electric pianos has come a long way and sounds great, the touch resistance is not sufficient and leads to students building bad habits and insufficient finger dexterity.  

    • For advanced students, a grand piano is highly recommended.  The touch and variety of sounds and dynamics are superior on a grand piano.



  • Tuition is billed at the rate of 36 lessons per year.  Lessons are provided throughout all 12 months of the year. 
    l tuition is split into 12 equal payments and charged monthly.

    • I may teach fewer lessons than other teachers and studios but in exchange I operate a very flexible make-up policy.  Everyone leads busy lives and this schedule allows for the needed flexibility.  While make-up lessons are not guaranteed, I do my best to schedule them if you request them!

Note: Each month may have a slightly different number of lessons, but the monthly tuition remains the same, as it is an annual tuition split into monthly payments, rather than a per-lesson charge.


  • Tuition is due by the 7th of each month.

  • If tuition is late, the instructor reserves the right to refrain from teaching the next lesson until tuition is received.


Attendance & Missed Lessons​

  • If the student misses a lesson for any reason, a make-up lesson can be scheduled within 30 days.  
    (In the summer months of Jun-Aug, make-ups will be allowed until the end
    of August.)

    • Make-up lesson slots are not guaranteed, but I do my best to accommodate.​ 

    • If a make-up lesson is canceled for any reason, a second make-up lesson will not be scheduled.

  • If the instructor cancels a lesson last-minute due to unforeseen circumstances, a make-up lesson will be offered.


Extended Absence: What if I am taking an entire month off of lessons (for extended family vacation, etc.)​

  • Option 1: Continue paying tuition as usual but do make-up lessons before and after the time off

  • Option 2; Pay a monthly $100 hold fee, which allows you to keep your slot but without taking any lessons, but no make-up lessons will be given.  This is only applicable to a given calendar month (e.g., July 1-31).


Punctuality & Lateness

  • If the student is late, student will receive lesson time until the end of the slot only.

  • If the instructor is late, you will receive your full lesson time, either by extending that day's lesson or doing a make-up lesson at another time, if needed.​



  • Your personal information will not be shared with anyone under any circumstances unless required by law.

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