A Workshop Series
Arranging & Improv in Action:
A Sampler of Forrest Kinney’s Approach
5-week Live Webinar Series (Zoom)
Mondays: September 19 - October 17, 2022
10 - 10:50 AM: Beginning Class
11 - 11:50 AM: Intermediate / Advanced Class
(Pacific Time Zone)
Registration at bottom of page!

Do you want to be able to play the piano freely?
Not just physically freely, but musically freely! Arranging (playing from a lead sheet) and improvisation will help you not only get “off the page” but also rediscover fully-notated music in different ways! Performance anxiety also becomes significantly less with the mindset and tools arranging and improv provide.
In partnership with Forrest Kinney Publications, this 5-week interactive webinar series will use a sampling of books from the Forrest Kinney Approach to help teachers who may be Classically-trained but want to explore the world of Creativity through arranging and improvisation. Classically-trained myself, I was a “sight-reader” before becoming comfortable (and enamored!) with arranging and improvisation. Forrest Kinney and his publications were crucial in helping me make the transition to truly enjoying both worlds and being able to share this joy with my students.

There are two separate courses being offered. They are designed for piano teachers and assume you know basic theory (major and minor triads/scales and major, dominant, minor 7th chords). The levels below correspond to your comfort with improv and arranging -- for example, you could be an excellent sight-reader of notated music, but be a complete beginner with improv and arranging.
Beginner: For those with little to no experience with arranging and improv.
Intermediate / Advanced: For those who are already comfortable with playing from a lead sheet with major and minor triads.
The cost is the same for both Beginning and Intermediate / Advanced courses.
$79 | Early Registration (by Sept 9)
$99 | Regular Registration (by Sept 18)
Will recordings be made available?
Yes, recordings will be made available for all registrants!
How do I know which level is appropriate for me?
If you feel like you are in the middle, I likely will encourage you to take the Intermediate / Advanced class. However, you can e-mail me to discuss and even send me a short recording of your playing and I can make an assessment.
If you would like to take both courses concurrently, that is also possible. Please let me know if you are interested in doing this.
Will there be a discount on Forrest's books?
Yes! More details to come once you register for the course, but ALL books that we introduce in the course (which are a lot) will be available for purchase at a discounted rate.
Materials & Syllabus
Forrest Kinney Sampler (free, click for link)
Optional: Fake Book and/or your favorite lead sheet
(links to videos in the Syllabus can be found here)

Sample Videos
These videos recorded below were all created using Forrest Kinney's materials and span a variety of difficulty levels.